Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The seven month Søren .......

Seven months old today and too cheeky and adorable for my own good..... Still no teeth, I can almost sit on my own. I never, ever stay still and it takes 2 adults to change my nappy or dress me!

At seven months I like:
- food, all food, and the more of it the better
- squealing at like a seal
- blowing raspberries
- going for walks
- getting into mischief
- not staying where I am left
- getting into anything I am not supposed to
- rolling everywhere
- boobs
- my mum and dad
- my big sister (she is so much fun)
- the cats (for patting and lifting up by their fur)
- baths and showers
- books
- jumping in the jolly jumper
- flapping my arms and trying to skydive when I'm supposed to be sleeping
- making sure my mum and dad get nothing done and no interrupted sleep!
...... and did I mention food?

At seven months I dislike:
- my cot (I am getting better with it though)
- napping when I'm supposed to
- milk and bottles
- when the food stops being given to me.

Some photos from Søren's seventh month.........

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